The most frequently asked questions

Products & Subscriptions

  • To a large extent, yes. You can easily build your reports based on 'categories', 'store brands' and 'type'.

  • Colruyt Lowest Prices, OKay and Spar Colruyt Group. We are expanding our offerings in the future.

  • Reports are tailored to your needs. For example, there are reports specifically tailored to a particular target group.

  • No. However, it is possible to download data and further process it yourself.

  • Some of the reports contain overlapping information. What differs from our insights:

    • Nielsen provides insights for all retailers, but does not provide insights on customers' underlying drivers.
    • GfK provides insights into customer purchases across supermarkets. To track customers across supermarkets, they operate random sampling. At item level, sampling is not always possible.

    Colruyt Group Insights works additionally: we offer sales data combined with customer insights, for the Colruyt Group's 3 biggest brands: Colruyt Lowest Prices, OKay and Spar.

Practical & Commercial

Security & Privacy

  • All our insights are offered anonymised and aggregated. In no way does Colruyt Group Insights offer data or insights at an individual level.

  • Your data will not be shared with third parties. For some reports, we provide a benchmark. The data used is anonymised by default.