User-friendly dashboards

Our insights dashboards help you make well-considered decisions based on current data. With all the necessary insights close at hand, you easily adjust campaigns, successfully launch new products or adapt your existing packaging. You will have an edge over your competitors by knowing what the latest customer preference trends are and having an in-depth understanding of consumer behaviour

How do I increase my brand's growth potential?

Do you want to increase your brand's growth potential in Belgium? Or are you planning a product launch? Link your predefined KPIs to our dashboards and get valuable insights that will grow your brand or product on the Belgian market. 

Interactieve dashboards

Do I get on-demand insights?

With our interactive dashboards you decide what insights are relevant for your business. Follow the latest trends in the buying behaviour of heavy v. medium users, check the sales results of your newest product launch and much more. And that in bright, bite-size charts. Every chart is provided with extra information. Ideal to inform the management or board. 

Our interactive dashboards allow you to go into detail: 

  • Choose your period, up to five years in the past.
  • Select on all purchases or existing customers.
  • Drill from category to product level.